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  • Feliway Refill 48 Ml

    Feliway Refill 48 Ml

    Need a calm cat? Contains the 48ml feliway refill vial only - no diffuser. Useful for helping cats and kittens to feel at ease. Feliway aids in alleviating signs associated with fear and stress including urine marking, vertical scratching and loss of...

    SGD $56.61
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  • Feliway Diffuser + Vial 48Ml

    Feliway Diffuser + Vial 48Ml

    Need a calm cat? A pack containing an atomising diffuser complete with a 48ml feliway refill vial. Useful for helping cats and kittens to feel at ease. Feliway aids in alleviating signs associated with fear and stress including urine marking, vertical...

    SGD $100.37
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